A picture of me!

A picture of me!
I love taking pictures! :D

Friday, September 25, 2009

a fable i wrote

i had to write a fable today and im going to tell you it....

The Lion and the Cockroach

Once their was a Lion. He was the greediest lion in the jungle. One day he found a piece of cheese. All the animals wanted at least one little piece of the cheese. That afternoon the cockroach coudn't find anything to eat so, he asked the lion. "Mr.Lion, my family and I are starving. May we please have a little piece of your delicious cheese?" The lion thought about it. It was his cheese he found it. "No, i found it." This made the cockroach furious. He called all the the cockroaches and went to the lion.

" Your cheese is our cheese." said the cockroaches. "No!" said the lion. The cockroaches said that they have no choice but to eat him. They ate him instead of the cheese. If you greedy it will bounce back at you.

the end i hope u enjoyed it! I had to do it for english. ellieluvs nat


This is soo not fair!!! okay, my sisters are on fall break and not me!
i am soo mad!

sooo ya i still have another week of prison to go!

well ummm
ellieluvs nat

Sunday, September 20, 2009


hey ppl wats up sorry i havent wrote anything lately ive been really busy!

well i went to camp yester day for girls couts and it was sooo much fun! anyway we went fishing on sunday and i cought two fish! they said its better when its hot and sunny. well we also did a talent show. yes yes i know u think i won but.... i wasnt in it! i have a good reason right when i woke up my head started to hurt so i started to cry in the day but when they did the talent show i was about to enter.... my head started hurting soo i couldnt but i wanted too so instead of doing the talent show i went to bed which is a first when i tell myself top go to bed. well Sunday morning we went upstairs to the other loft ( their are two lofts) me and my best friend Grayson took our pillows and went upstairs to go hit people with them so they would wake up so we went up there and we hit this girl named Sasha shes my best friend too we hit her and she4 screamed it was soo hilarious!!!! Next, this girl shes 14 told me if i hit her i die and i thought she was kidding but i obviously thought wrong me and grayson hit her and she started getting up let me tell u this when someone says u will die if u hit them dont anyway she chased me down stairs into the bathroom and she finally got in the bathroom and she said this is what u get she hit me on the back three times it hurt soo bad!! I started to cry and cry and cry. anyway we got over that and this other girl hit me really hard with a shoe i also started to cry really bad of couse well their u have it my 3 days at camp hope u enjoyed the fishing part not the other one lol :0 weee shocked face well comment on this post if u want thx

ellie luvs nat