A picture of me!

A picture of me!
I love taking pictures! :D

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer with Olivia!

Heyy!!!!! I am so happy!!! Why are you wondering I am so happy??? ITS SUMMER BREAK!!!!! Except I am at Olivia's house, ( You should know who she is. If you dont, thats sad that you haven't been reading my posts) and her annoying, bratty, little sister is bugging us by watching our every moves on the computer!!! Okay,Olivia and I get to work VBS for church!! If you dont know what VBS is, it is Vacation Bible School. Anyway, before we work it and we get to go to the VBS kickoff!! That is were we go and have fun outside by playing games, face painting, blow up things, crafts, and more!!! If you live in Murfreesboro I would advise you to go to a local church that has VBS. I am going to have to attend a meeting on June 6th for VBS. Well, Olivia and I get to have so much fun this summer!!!! Well, I need you to do me a favor...Pray for my Mom she just had her liver out and she is in pain.

Ellie loves Justin Bieber

Monday, May 17, 2010


Mommy said write this in Ellie language: Mommy loves ellie see?


i hate my life so much its not funny my bff and her family moved in and everything went wrong. they call me names and telling me nobody like me and calling me fat and making me cry everyday i wish they would move so everything would go back to normal. I guess everything they say is true. I just want to go sumwhere else. I am miserable. I try to stand up for myself but it ends up not working. I know you are like tell ur parents. My parents think all of this is my fault. Its not i just want to be friends but they are always mean. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Church is the only place where ppl arnt mean to me. They actually understand my problems. But when i try the things they tell me to do it ends up not working. My neighbors used to be awsome. They were always nice and we got along so well. But now they moved in everything is horrible. Mommy if ur reading this i am sorry i just hate my life so much!!!!!!! Cant wait until July when they move!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010


ok so my bff recently move in and we are having some fights she is like we cant be friends anymore and im like plzzzz nooooooooo she said we need to give it some time like until eigth grade help me!!!!!!!! ANNABELLE WHERE ARE YOU????????????

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sleepover at Olivia's house!!!!

Hey whats up its Olivia and Ellie here!!!!! Yesterday i spent the night at Olivias house and now we are making a new blog post!!! At the moment we are BORED!!!! L8r we are going swimming at SportsCom if the weather isnt too bad like it was yesterday. Also later we are making t-shirts for Justin Bieber's concert which we are soooo excited about!! Then my dad is picking me and Olivia up so we can go see Emma and Cara sing in the choir! Emma even has a solo! This will be such a fun day! Bye everyone!